Disclamer and copyright notice
This is a work of fan fiction. It combines two amazing creative entities: The worlds of Star Trek, Hardy Boys and their derivatives. It is a transformative work that combines the universes and characters. It is a non-commercial endeavor, solely for entertainment purposes. There will be no attempts to monetize this work, because that would be wrong, and we couldn’t afford the legal repercussions, anyway.
Star Trek and its related works are copyright CBS television, Paramount Pictures, and probably a bunch of other people. Grosset and Dunlap publish the earlier Hardy Boys books, while Simon and Schuster, the latter works. Star Trek books are currently published by Pocket Books. There are quite a few parties to tick-off, and we hope that doesn’t happen.
Considering how many copyright holders are currently involved in these derivative works, it may seem rude to say the following, but we feel that the effort itself is original, and protected under the laws of US copyright:
The concept of this melding of worlds, the combination of its two main entities and the related original stories based on this theme, as well as the unique visuals created from their iconic imagery are copyright Vincent Hase, and the original art based on this concept is copyright Jill Lorraine Turpin.
Please refrain from trying this at home or on your own website, as we are somewhat trained professionals. With this request comes a promise: There is a commitment to quality in story and art, and a roadmap. We ask that you allow us to take these concepts to their planned conclusion.
This content is freely offered for your delight and edification. Please feel free to share – just point people to TrekMysteries.net.
Questions comments or concerns? Feel free to Contact Us.